Home > Tail Threading > Pulleys > Transfer Pulley

Transfer Pulley

Transfer pulleys for 2 ropes

Groove depth 10 mm
The transfer pulleys for 2 ropes are used for free transfer area where the tail is carrying on long distance without support, like in the press section, size press or pope reel. The transfer groove profile allows a tight grip of the tail between the ropes thanks its special V groove design. Transfer groove profile is also used for roll pulleys.

Product code External diametre in millimetres
2101 141
2102 173
2103 226

Transfer pulleys for 3 ropes

Groove depth 13 mm
The transfer pulleys for 3 ropes are used for free transfer area where the tail is carrying on long distance without support, like in the press section, size press or pope reel. The transfer groove profile allows a tight grip of the tail between the ropes thanks its special V groove design. Transfer groove profile is also used for roll pulleys.

Product code External diametre in millimetres
CH8-11110400 106
3106 178
3108 231
3111 316
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